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tahitian melon squash
(Pronoun) a plant from Tahiti in the cucurbita moshcata, with sweet flesh,and seeds at a ball on one end. light brown skin,Usage: we eat Tahitian melon squash for Thanksgiving.
(Pronoun) a squash plant from Tahiti in the plant group called cucurbita moshcata, the fruits are large with long flexing stems attached, ball of seeds on one end of the tan to light brown skin,and the sweetest flesh of any squash in the world. supper rare to find in the garden.
Usage: we have tahitian melon squash on our thanksgiving table.
(Pronoun) a squash plant from Tahiti in the plant group called cucurbita moshcata, the fruits are large with long flexing stems attached, ball of seeds on one end of the tan to light brown skin,and the sweetest flesh of any squash in the world. super rare to find in the garden.
Usage: we have tahitian melon squash on our thanksgiving table.
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